Huawei president says he would defy Chinese law on intelligence gathering
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  • 作者: Joseffu
  • 2019年3月21日 17:59 星期四
  • 浏览:2916 次
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  • 时间:2019-3-21 17:59   浏览:2916  

    Comments from YouTube:

    "Chinese company Huawei is the largest seller of telecommunications equipment in the world. Three billion people in 170 countries use Huawei products worldwide, and the company sells more smart phones than Apple. The Trump administration is considering banning all Huawei products from being used in the U.S., calling the company a threat to national security. Bianna Golodryga spoke with Huawei's elusive founder and president, Ren Zhengfei, who denied the allegations. "

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