  • 首页 > 影音休闲
  • 作者: Joseffu
  • 2025年2月22日 9:19 星期六
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  • 时间:2025-2-22 9:19   浏览:32  




    —— 黃霑

    The name Joseph Koo rings loud and clear in the Hong Kong music scene. His accomplishments in music are legendary, and as far as I can judge, unsurpassed.
    Before Joseph Koo came to the scene, Cantonese pop music was inferior to Mandarin songs and had only a very limited following. Some years ago, Joseph Koo started putting his musical genius to work on Cantonese pop music. And now, it has suddenly matured into the most predominant music artform in Hong Kong, commanding an unprecedented vast audience that spans all spectrums of society. Cantonese music has finally made it. And it is largely Joseph Koo's doing.
    One cannot disregard the support of the television medium in this popularisation, of course. But without Joseph Koo's brilliant work, Cantonese pop music could never have gained such dynamic momentum. Television theme songs are not exclusive to him alone. The writer of these notes had, in fact, written many pieces of TV theme music as well, but they never came even close to Joseph's work.
    So I am saying this without prejudice or exaggeration: it is Joseph Koo who promoted Cantonese pop to its present high standing.
    The mere mention of Joseph's name draws respect and admiration from the music circle in Hong Kong, not only because he is a kind and modest gentleman, nor because he is the only Hong Kong composer that has been honoured with an MBE. We respect him for his unfaltering attitude towards music and for the high standards that his compositions have achieved.
    This record puts together the gems of his creations for over a decade. It presents all his major works and represents the best of Hong Kong's pop music.
    I recommend this record without any reservations.

    -- James Wong

    顧嘉輝音樂名作 (Joseph Koo's Greatest TV Themes)

    顧嘉輝 (Joseph Koo)

    純音樂專輯 (Instrumental Music Only)

    香港娛樂唱片 (Crown Record) 1987年推出

    [ CD 1 ]

    01. 勇敢中國人

    02. 乘風破浪

    03. 忘盡心中情

    04. 家變

    05. 心有千千結

    06. 帝女花

    07. 輸流轉

    08. 京華春夢

    09. 小李飛刀

    10. 天虹

    11. 楚留香

    12. 狂潮

    13. 近代豪俠傳

    14. 倚天屠龍記

    15. 千王之王

    [ CD 2 ]

    01. 萬水千山總是情

    02. 夢裡幾番哀

    03. 像白雲像清風

    04. 夜夜癡纏

    05. 陸小鳳

    06. 兩忘煙水裡

    07. 上海灘

    08. 隨想曲

    09. 樓臺會

    10. 奮鬥

    11. 萊茵河之戀

    12. 願君心記取

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